About chanhen
  • 74million $ Registered capital
  • More than 1million tons Capacity
  • More than 600million $ annually Revenue
Large phosphorite mine
Large phosphorite mine
Proven reserve of 540 million tons, phosphate rock average grade: 25.6%, one of the best phosphate mines in China even Asia
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Feed additive
Feed additive
“Chanphos” brand monocalcium phosphate, Leading the international advanced technology, Quality up to European level, It has a strong influence in the ...
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New fertilizer
New fertilizer
Strong R&D capability: Self- developed APP, MAP and other products make your crops healthy and productive.
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Battery Materials
Battery Materials
Iron Phosphate 150,000 tons(200,000-300,000 in 2024);LFP Cathode Material 30,000 tons (100,000 in 2024)
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